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Change in operational management at the Utz Group


The Utz Group has appointed Marc Schürmann as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as of February 1, 2025.

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Change in operational management at the Utz Group

Bringing joy and doing good with unique containers


Georg Utz Switzerland team launched a creative social media project, offering unique RAKO containers—each with a fascinating color blend—while donating 100% of proceeds to charity. Launched in August, nearly all have sold like hotcakes!

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Bringing joy and doing good with unique containers

From concept to finished products


The Utz Group provides solutions for transporting complex parts. Returnable packaging can be customized to meet specific customer needs. They can be designed to fit perfectly with the products being transported, increasing logistical efficiency and minimizing the risk of damage.

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From concept to finished products

Medical Kit Challenge: A creative trainee project with a big impact


A creative project from the ranks of our Utz trainees has attracted a lot of attention and proves once again how innovative ideas and teamwork can lead to something big.

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Medical Kit Challenge: A creative trainee project with a big impact

The first companies to receive the new ROBIN GUT sustainability certification at the highest "Platinum" level


The new ROBIN GUT certification for sustainable companies has been awarded at the highest level of "Platinum" for the first time. This outstanding honor goes to Georg Utz GmbH and Georg Utz AG (CH), which set impressive standards through their commitment to sustainable corporate management.

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The first companies to receive the new ROBIN GUT sustainability certification at the highest "Platinum" level

Always in view: upcoming sustainability legislation


With sustainability legislation evolving at a rapid pace, staying ahead of these changes is crucial for businesses across industries. Regulatory shifts can have a profound impact on daily operations, from product design to packaging standards.

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Always in view: upcoming sustainability legislation

Georg Utz AG achieves ISO recertification - a testament to continuous excellence


Georg Utz AG has once again successfully secured three important ISO certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. These certifications highlight the company’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in quality, environmental management, and occupational health and safety.

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Georg Utz AG achieves ISO recertification - a testament to continuous excellence

Logistic & Warehouse Trends 2024


Łódź, 17.09.2024 - The great logistics revolution is coming, at the Logistic & Warehouse Trends 2024 conference we will give you a hint on how to face it!

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Logistic & Warehouse Trends 2024

Raising the amount of recycled material


Raising the amount of recycled material shouldn’t be that difficult you say? What sounds pretty straightforward at first is, in reality, a more complex process than you might think.

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Raising the amount of recycled material

Utz was chosen by INVERS to equip its new mealworm hatchery with plastic containers


Aline Tessier, Industrial Operations Manager, and Sébastien Crépieux, President of the INVERS Group, worked with the Utz France team for 2 years on this project.

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Utz was chosen by INVERS to equip its new mealworm hatchery with plastic containers