Ecologic sustainability
The challenge of climate protection
The Utz Group is facing up to the challenges of climate protection and is aiming to become climate neutral. We work with the myclimate foundation on the path to carbon neutrality. Scientific expertise and certified calculation methods provide the facts on which we base our ecological goals. The reduction of CO2e emissions is central to our efforts.
The Utz Group produces climate-neutrally worldwide
Since 2022, Utz has been offsetting all unavoidable operational CO2e emissions via certified climate protection projects.
Utz plastic reusable packaging makes fundamental ecological sense

CO2 balancing
We have been measuring our carbon footprint since 2019. We systematically record data in a comprehensive internal reporting system that complies with current international standards. The calculations are carried out independently by specialists from myclimate and are based on current scientific principles and internationally-recognized databases.

Our insight: "Material matters"
At Utz, we use only unblended grades of plastics. This means that the material can be recycled almost indefinitely and used again as a secondary raw material.

Our answer: Keeping plastics in the cycle
Our focus is on UIC® secondary raw materials and innovative cradle-to-cradle models. Utz Industrial Compounds (UIC®) are high-quality, quality-tested secondary raw materials. The certified properties of UIC® are comparable to those of virgin materials. The raw materials used in our products are declared in a transparent and comprehensible manner.

As we grow and our consumption of raw materials increases, so do our CO2e emissions. These accumulate after completely reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions almost exclusively in our processing materials. However, thanks to the use of our products in reusable cycles and their almost complete recyclability, a large part of the raw material and the CO2e emissions bound in the material can be kept in the cycle.
Packaging and transport
As we produce both internationally and locally with 8 locations on 3 continents, our production network ensures short distances to the customer. Due to our tool exchange, Utz products are equally available at all locations. Our Protective transport packaging is recyclable.
Product manufacture
Utz products are designed for optimal function as well as for optimized material usage. They are manufactured on modern, energy-efficient machines. The material productivity is almost 100 percent. Our goal is zero waste.
Raw material production
Utz plastics originate from local polymerization, local compounders or from our own processing. Our demand is secured by long-term agreements.
Reusable circuit
Most Utz customers engage in modern operational, storage or transport logistics based on reusable concepts. Depending on the load, Utz products can cope with thousands of cycles and therefore contribute to an improved reusable cycle.
Natural resources
Plastics are made from oil or gas. In the Utz cycle, these raw materials have been used repeatedly for decades.
Deployment at the customer site
Utz products are designed for long-term use by professional customers. Ergonomics, optimum handling, durability, and customer-specific functionality create ideal conditions for countless cycles of use.
Our customers know the high value of plastics and only dispose of heavily soiled parts or composites. Combustion can be used to generate district heating or energy for cement production.
Return for recycling
Utz products can be reused almost 100 percent. As we grind products directly at the customer site, transport is reduced to the volume of granulate. As Utz products age very slowly, it often takes many years before they are discarded.

100% renewable energy from 2030
The shaping of plastic requires energy. In the CO2e footprint of the Utz Group, the energy share is significant. That is why we are continuously optimizing the use of energy. By 2030, we will exclusively use energy from renewable sources and already produce some of it directly on site.